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allow "Sort by " does not sort alpha correctly

allow sort by options, currently it partially sorts in alpha, but then has like 2 or three groups or sections and does not work well as i have to look in 2 or 3 areas for the name of the program.. allow sort by "date added"; size: name; etc...

max , 22.12.2011, 13:25
Response from the site administrator
OrdinarySoft, 13.06.2012
Now you can sort by Alpha in the PRO version. Rigth-click and select Sort by Name
Idea status: completed


John M, 26.02.2012, 17:39
The current alpha sort does folders first. That places all files with favicons separately alpha sorted at the end of the sorted folders list. It's not a disaster, but it is annoying...
Jerry, 07.04.2012, 07:00
Yes, very annoying! Have to look in two different places to find what I want. SORT EVERYTHING TOGETHER!. Geez.

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